Academic mobility is a crucial aspect of higher education
There are numerous definitions of «academic mobility»; however, the most accurate, in our view, is «the opportunity to shape your educational trajectory within the framework of educational standards, enabling you to select subjects, courses, and universities according to your preferences and aspirations.» Keeping up with the times, we strive to offer our students the best competitive education. In this regard, as part of academic mobility, first-year students majoring in Medicine completed an internship called “Introduction to the Specialty” at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute of Education and Research, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, from February 23 to March 1.
During this period, the students visited the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Endocrinology named after Academician E.Kh. Turakulov. Our students met with leading specialists of this center, who were happy to share their experience and explain the specifics of their work.
Our students were kindly allowed to visit leading clinics of Uzbekistan, such as “HAYAT” Medical Center, Shox International Hospital, clinics “Ixlos” “OKSIMER”, “M” Clinic.
During this visit, the students listened to lectures by PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Biology, Nemat Nozirovich Gafurov on anatomy; lectures by the head of the VIALEK group of companies, WHO expert, GXP inspector of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, Aleksandr Vladimirovich Aleksandrov on the topic: «Introduction of GXP into and the main principles of GMP». Integrated lectures on bioorganic chemistry and organic chemistry were also held by associate professors of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Elmira Karlovna Karlova and Gulzeynep Urisbayevna Begimova, for 2nd and 3rd year students majoring in Pharmacy.
In general, during this period, a huge amount of work was carried out by all the specialists of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute of Education and Research. We express our deep gratitude to the entire management of this Institute and our University, in particular to the founder of the Institute Yunuskhodjaev Akhmatkhuja Nigmanovich; rectors Dusmatov Aziz Faizamatovich and Shoranov Marat Edigeyevich, vice-rectors Umarova Shakhnoza Ziyatovna, Iskandarova Shokhista Fekhruzovna, Jabbarov Nurilla Abdumakhsudovich, Kalmatayeva Zhanna Amantayevna, Datkhaev Ubaidilla Makhambetovich; deans Izmailova Slu Khabibiyevna, Nurmukhamedov Aziz Abdzhalilovich; as well as Tagirova Rima Toleukhanovna, Mukasheva Maral Sakenovna, Sodikova Nargiza Amanovna, Ibragimova Shaira Kalykhovna and the heads of these organizations.