Doctor of Sciences, Dean for student and international programs of the Faculty of Social Research of the University of Gdansk, consultant to the Government of the Republic of Poland on youth policy Adam Jagiello-Rusilowski came to our university under the visiting professor program.
For two weeks at the departments “History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines” and “Communication skills” Professor Adam Jagiello-Rusilovski conducts lectures, workshops, master classes, which consider important ethical and psychological aspects of a doctor’s work with patients. Each theoretical position of the lecture is accompanied by a practical task, and through simple exercises, the professor leads the students to understand the complex mechanisms of the process of interaction between the doctor and the patient. Using team-based learning technologies (Team-Based Learning), interactive methods, the professor teaches psycho-emotional stability, resilience, flexibility, compassion and empathy.
In the process of training, students, undergraduates, doctoral students received a lot of theoretical knowledge and practical skills and abilities of the communicative process at the level of sensitivity, understanding, intuition.
Lectures, master classes, trainings by Professor Adam Jagiello-Russilovski are interesting and interactive. Students, undergraduates and teaching staff are grateful to Professor Adam Jagiello-Rusilovski for a creative and humane approach to the learning process.
Head of the Department of Communication Skills, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Bagiyarova Fatima Arystanovna: “The problems of effective communication raised by Professor Adam Jagiello-Rusilovski are important and relevant for our department and medicine in general. The discipline “Communication skills” at our university is focused on building the correct communication of a medical worker with patients, and the professor’s training enriched its content with theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This confirmed that our discipline is developing in the general mainstream of the world educational system and the medical sphere.”
Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor Nagaybayeva Zauresh Arstambekovna: “Practice shows that it is not enough for a doctor to have only theoretical knowledge in the specialty (hard skills) and be patient-oriented. The modern competitive world shows that you need abilities and skills that show how you work and interact with people, in other words, soft skills. These skills are more difficult to teach but critical to long-term success as a doctor. At our university, this work begins from the very first years. We are grateful to Professor Adam Jagiello-Russilovski for the experience in their formation, which he shared with our students and teachers.”
In the photo, first-year students (School of General Medicine — 1, School of General Medicine-2, School of Dentistry, School of Pharmacy, Master students and teaching staff)
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