In the School of Pharmacy of S.D.Asfendiyarov KazNMU held a round table “Learning by doing: hospital pharmacy”.
The event was attended by teachers, staff of the dean’s office of the School of Pharmacy and heads of drug supply departments of medical research institutes:
— Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology (Shulenbaeva A.S.);
— National Scientific Center of Surgery named after A.N.Syzganov (Keshkinbaeva L.E.);
— Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases (Baktygalieva A.K.);
— Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Children’s Surgery (Kozhabekova M.M.);
— Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology (Isbergenova K.K.,
Rakhmanberdieva E.J.);
— NSC phthisiopulmonology (Abildaeva G.U.).
The participants of the event discussed the issues of training of pharmacists under the educational program “Pharmacy” for drug supply departments of medical research institutes, state hospitals and clinics.
At the round table reports were made by: Dean of the School of Pharmacy (SF) Professor Sakipova Z.B., President of the Association for the Support and Development of Pharmaceutical Activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan Durmanova M.I., Chairman of the Quality Assurance Committee of the School of Pharmacy Kozhamzharova A.S., Associate Professor of the Department of Organization, Management and Economics of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacy Tleubaeva M.I., Assistant Chair Egizbaeva A.A.
The participants of the event discussed:
— opportunities and development strategy of the educational program “Pharmacy”;
— changes in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of circulation of medicines, medical devices and their procurement;
— analysis of the rating of the educational program “Pharmacy”;
-comparative analysis of the educational program “Pharmacy” KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov with similar programs of universities in Europe, Russia, Ukraine and ways of integration of programs;
— practice-oriented approach in the educational process of the Pharmacy program, dual education with leading practical bases.
Heads of drug supply departments of research medical institutes of Almaty noted the great need of research medical institutions, clinics, hospitals in graduates trained in Pharmacy.
The majority of graduates of the medical university, trained on educational program “Pharmacy” works in pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies. But there is a demand for pharmacists to work in hospital, hospital pharmacies, research institutes of medical profile.
Pharmacists for such medical institutions and organizations should have skills in planning, accounting of medicines, be able to work in the 1C program. Of great importance is the ability to work with databases, integration with the databases of “DamuMed” and other health care structures.
In a number of foreign countries, such institutions have a department of hospital pharmacy and along with clinical pharmacologists, clinical pharmacists, i.e. pharmacists working in clinical institutions, clinics, hospitals, are in demand. Clinical pharmacologists have a medical degree.
There is no “hospital pharmacist” in the nomenclature of specialties, but it is in hospital-type medical institutions, research institutes of medical profile that hospital pharmacists are in demand.
Heads of drug supply departments of research medical institutes of Almaty Baktygalieva A.K., Keshkinbaeva L.E., Tastanova N.A. (pharmacist with extensive experience in drug supply clinics, hospitals, research institutes) proposed as elective disciplines to include subjects necessary for the training of pharmacists planning to work in hospital, clinical pharmacies, drug supply departments of medical research institutes. Taking into account the practice-oriented approach in the educational process of the specialty “Pharmacy” in them can be provided for industrial practice of pharmacists.
The participants of the round table noted the importance of the discussed issues, exchanged opinions, confirmed the willingness to cooperate in training qualified pharmacists for hospital, clinical pharmacies, drug supply departments of medical research institutes.