The UN General Assembly, through a resolution on December 3, 2018, proclaimed January 24 as International Education Day, recognizing its role in achieving peace and development.
The resolution recognizes the importance of education in achieving sustainable development and emphasizes that education can increase individual productivity and economic growth potential, help eradicate poverty and hunger, and promote health and gender equality. Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the UN notes the goals related to health and education: “Good health and well-being” and ”Quality education.”
On February 24, the School of Pharmacy of S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU held a seminar “Management in Education: Policy in Medical Education” dedicated to the International Conference Day. The seminar was held in offline and online formats.
Deputy Dean of the School of Pharmacy, candidate of medical sciences Zhanar Amangeldinovna Zhagiparova and lecturer of the Department of Pathological Physiology, allergist-immunologist with extensive clinical experience Arman Kanatovich Baidilov made a presentation on the topic of the seminar.
World practice shows that the most effective way to improve the quality of education is indirect regulation of all processes of education quality. Improvement of medical universities is of special importance, because:
— well-trained health professionals improve the standard of living in society;
— quality medical education plays a key role in ensuring the health of the population, forms specialists capable of providing highly qualified assistance.
The role of innovative teaching methods in HEI is also increasing: platforms — digital resources for learning, providing access to teaching materials, video lectures and virtual laboratories;
2.virtual reality — simulations of real medical situations that allow students to practice in a safe and controlled environment;
3.artificial intelligence — development of intelligent systems for diagnosis, treatment and training that optimize the learning process.
The educational process involves close integration of science and practice:
— clinical practice: students undergo practical training in real medical institutions, gaining practical skills);
— scientific research: students participate in research, developing skills in data analysis and research (thesis projects, research papers of students);
— curricula: curricula include current scientific evidence and clinical cases.
Lecturers of the School of Pharmacy took part in the discussion of the reports. Achievements, plans, working aspects of the School of Pharmacy and departments noted in their speeches Dean, Professor Sakipova Z.B., Head of the Department of Technology of Pharmaceutical Production, Professor Ustenova G.O.