The trip to the Czech Republic on the academic mobility

We, Rakhymbaeva Zhanar and Kazbekova Assem, are students of 5th year, general medicine, were in Prague from 15th till 28 of March. According to the program of academic mobility we trained in the Charles university’s bases. We were introduced on the system of health in Czech Repuplic, structures of the clinic and function of GP. We have been in the largest hospital in Europe – FN Motol, unigue rehabilitation center in Beroun, clinic of cellular therapy “Cellthera” in Brno. We interested in rehabilitation on method Vojte, lecture about casuistry in doctor’s practice.
We are very thank to the our rector Akanov Aikan Akanuly, to the dean of general medicine fakulty Dzhumasheva Rakhima Tazhibaevna and other members of our university.